Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Post - Title Explanation

Hello Andrew and fellow students of my intro to Lit class at UC Davis.

My title for this blog shows my utilitarian writing backround as well as expresses my love of clarity and straightforwardness. I felt that my name, what medium this is, and the class for which I am composing this blog were the three most important peices of information needed in the title of a blog.

I excluded anything about literature or the interduction thereof becase while I may be a literary genius, I have have a stange feeling that the masses will not flock to this blog and ooh and ah at every keystroke I make. Because of such I see no need to go into the description of a class in something so simple as the title of a blog especially when all the followers are in the same class.

I excluded anything witty or deep and meaningful because we are not in clown school nor do I have desire to go into stand-up or even bring any smiles to passers by. I would like to learn about literature and recive and passing grade first and formost, if those are well in reach I will consider creativity and wit.

Thanks for Reading,

Lucas Michaels